1|1|1|Three factors cause you to slip and fall. They are gravity, momentum, and friction.|True|1
1|2|0|Three factors cause you to slip and fall. They are gravity, momentum, and friction.|False|0
2|1|0|Which of the following is NOT true?|Walk on wet, polished, waxed, soapy, oily, or icy walking surfaces.|1
2|2|0|Which of the following is NOT true?|Wear shoes or boots that have smooth or worn soles.|1
2|3|1|Which of the following is NOT true?|Walk too slow for conditions.|1
2|4|0|Which of the following is NOT true?|Turn corners too fast for conditions.|0
3|1|0|Which of the following is NOT a way you can reduce your risk of slipping?|Develop a walking stride that keeps your center of gravity under you.|1
3|2|0|Which of the following is NOT a way you can reduce your risk of slipping?|Wear footwear that increases your traction.|1
3|3|0|Which of the following is NOT a way you can reduce your risk of slipping?|Make wide turns at corners.|1
3|4|1|Which of the following is NOT a way you can reduce your risk of slipping?|Ignore warning signs that alert you to areas that are being cleaned or waxed.|0
4|1|1|Trips are most often caused by - Not being able to see where you are going; - Walking in an area where there is clutter; and - Changes in the walking surface.|True|1
4|2|0|Trips are most often caused by - Not being able to see where you are going; - Walking in an area where there is clutter; and - Changes in the walking surface.|False|0
5|1|0|Which of the following is NOT a way you can reduce your risk of tripping?|Avoid carrying objects that block your view.|1
5|2|1|Which of the following is NOT a way you can reduce your risk of tripping?|Walk quickly through dimly lit areas.|1
5|3|0|Which of the following is NOT a way you can reduce your risk of tripping?|Clear work areas of clutter.|1
5|4|0|Which of the following is NOT a way you can reduce your risk of tripping?|Heed warning signs that alert you to changing walking surfaces.|0
6|1|1|Falls can occur when people: - Use stairs; - Use a ladder; - Ignore warning signs and barricades; and - Work on or around loading docks, ramps, and truck beds.|True|1
6|2|0|Falls can occur when people: - Use stairs; - Use a ladder; - Ignore warning signs and barricades; and - Work on or around loading docks, ramps, and truck beds.|False|0